Taking the time to stop

Take the time to stop

2020 is behind us.

Winter,is now slowly is settling in and is pushing us to slow down.

The days are short.

We hardly have time to enjoy the sun.

It's dark, it's cold, too often we feel exhausted.

Fortunately, it is also the time to stop.

To look at what we have instead of what we don't have. To see how lucky we are.

A knowledge and an understanding of the 7 chakras allows us to grasp their influence on our life.

With just the right amount of curiosity, we can learn how to open them to access the peace that, let's be honest, we all seek.

Staying connected

Being together while being apart. It has been, and still is, a challenge for many of us. Ending up seeing colleagues more often than family and friends, forging new bonds, but also trying to keep each other strong.

We're tired of being told repeatedly to stay connected.

Except it's true that it's important. It's essential, even.

Feeling Rooted

The first of the 7 chakras is Muladhara, the root chakra. Represented by the color red, it starts at birth and is fully active at the age of 7.

It controls all feelings related to fear and trust.

The feeling that nothing can affect you

That's what rooting is all about.

A well harmonized root chakra gives you a sense of security.

If it is well rooted, it makes you feel legitimate in your life. It allows you not to worry about lack, material or emotional.

It allows you to stop and contemplate your life, your family, your successes. To appreciate the pile of laundry that you finally finished folding, the kitchen that you put more effort into cleaning this time, the recipe that you succeeded after three failures.

It allows you to get butterflies in your stomach when you pick up your kids from school because you can't wait to see them. Because in the end, that is what real happiness is all about.

It makes you look forward to the evenings with your loved ones, that may have just begun, ''because anyway, there's just that to do''.  It makes you appreciate the ordinary.

The feeling of having the right to exist

A well harmonized root chakra will also bring you self-confidence.

This self-confidence, this feeling of the right to exist, makes you aware of your value within a group. 

It also gives you the feeling of belonging to this group.

We come back with the importance of staying connected. To yourself, but also to others, to our groups.

Your friends, your colleagues, your family, everyone you interact with is part of your life. Those with whom your exchanges are positive and enriching.

Those who contribute to your self-confidence just as you contribute to theirs.


Lithotherapy is a holistic care method that attributes to semi-precious stones a power of influence on all levels of the being.

Their action, in relation to the type of energy of the stone, manifests itself at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

 In the case of the root chakra, for example, in order to allow the absorption of bad energies that negatively influence it, carries stones whose color ranges from black to red. Stones such as ruby, garnet and agate.

 Find the right stone for you

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